Rosemary Powell, Whissendine Ward Councillor reports:

Local Plan: The final public consultation scheduled to start on Tuesday 24th May has been postponed due to the coronavirus . All the details on the Local Plan can be found here.
Whissendine Parking: Since September 2019 there have been complaints about road hazards from parked cars in the village, particularly on corners. At the Parish Council’s request the RCC Parking Manager has been looking at solutions. He has come to the conclusion the only viable solution is to have 24 hour parking controls in places, designated by yellow lines. This creates a clear choice either to accept yellow lines on some of the bad corners in the village or we accept that there should be no controls and some irresponsible parking may occur at times. There are various views in the village. Please let the Parking Manager know yours by emailing by 30 April. Sue will forward your comments. (If RCC decide that yellow lines are the way to go there will be formal consultation with those householders directly affected).

Teigh Road speed limit: Recommendation to install a 50 mph limit is being considered by RCC Highways and Transport Group with decision expected shortly.

Coronavirus: Protecting and supporting communities, including our most vulnerable, remains the Council’s top priority. With the advice and situation changing daily please follow Government and NHS advice. We are fortunate to have strong and caring networks in both Teigh and Whissendine and I am sure we will work together to protect and support those most at risk and those who may be isolated at home.