
Church bells to ring again!

By |2020-07-02T13:57:51+00:00July 2nd, 2020|Church, Covid-19|

A message from Whissendine Bell Ringers Dear Villagers As you know, we have not been able to ring the bells of St Andrews Church during the lockdown.  We have now been given permission to start ringing again. However, we have strict rules to follow: We can only ring with a 2 metres social distance between [...]

Greendale Farm Caravan & Camping Park re-opens

By |2020-07-01T12:42:21+00:00July 1st, 2020|General news|

Jo & Chris Read of Greendale Farm C&C Park write: All being well, Greendale Farm Caravan and Camping will be re-opening on Saturday the 4th July. This will be a busy day for arrivals. For those who don’t know us we are situated on Pickwell Lane, Whissendine - about half way down. The Campsite accepts [...]

Bunting For Hope

By |2020-06-27T12:19:14+00:00June 27th, 2020|Church, Covid-19, General notices|

A message from Reverend Deborah Marsh I have been given the idea from a friend about creating community bunting to express how we feel about the pandemic that has affected us these last few months. I have adapted it for Whissendine.  Click here to download the template for the bunting triangles and details about how [...]

The White Lion – Re-opening

By |2020-06-27T12:12:41+00:00June 27th, 2020|Covid-19, White Lion Inn|

OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT...….  WERE BACK!! ?????????????????????????  OPENING ON SUNDAY 12TH JULY - 12 NOON FOR DRINKS ONLY    NEW Menu launching 14th July!! Please ring to book your table as seating is limited!  We are soooo looking forward to seeing you all again!!.  We will be posting "the new norm" over the coming days’. Chris, Yolanda [...]

Re-opening of Services

By |2020-06-25T14:01:02+00:00June 25th, 2020|Covid-19, General news|

A message from Sue Lammin of Whissendine PC: coming out of lockdown in Rutland and Whissendine. Opticians: they received guidance on 17 June and can now offer a service.  Advice is to call your optician before attending and they'll advise how things are working now. Dentists: all 9 Rutland-based dentists are now offering at least [...]

Craft & Produce Show 2020 Cancelled

By |2020-06-18T12:40:31+00:00June 18th, 2020|Covid-19, Craft & Produce Show|

Whissendine Craft and Produce Show – Saturday 5th September 2020 With regret, the committee have had to make the very difficult decision to cancel this year’s show. Taking everything into account we needed to consider the safety of the exhibitors, the visitors and all those involved in the organisation of our show. We feel, reluctantly, [...]

Re-opening of St Andrew’s Church

By |2020-06-16T14:39:22+00:00June 16th, 2020|Church, Covid-19|

A message from Reverend Deborah Marsh Dear Friends & Neighbours You may have seen in the news that the government have granted permission for church buildings to open again from Monday 15 June for private prayer. The bishops have been very clear in their guidance for this and Bishop Donald said the following – Re-opening [...]

Road Closure – Ashwell – July

By |2020-06-16T14:31:03+00:00June 16th, 2020|General notices|

Ashwell - July 2020 The road to Ashwell will be closed to enable Network Rail to undertake work on the drainage system. The duration of the Closure shall be as follows: from 22:00 on 20th July 2020 to 06:00 on 21st July 2020 from 22:00 on 21st July to 06:00 on 22nd July 2020 from 22:00 on [...]

Re-opening of Non-essential Retailers

By |2020-06-13T12:13:25+00:00June 13th, 2020|Covid-19, General news|

Non-essential retailers like clothing shops, charity shops and retail art galleries are able to re-open from Monday 15 June 2020, in England, provided social distancing measures can be adopted. A range of temporary measures are being Implemented in Oakham and Uppingham to protect the safety of staff and shoppers as people are welcomed back to [...]

Covid-19 Mobile Testing Unit

By |2020-06-07T12:54:59+00:00June 7th, 2020|Covid-19|

NHS East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG has announced that a Mobile Testing Unit for COVID-19 will be open in Rutland from 1st June. Testing is by appointment only for anyone aged 5+ with symptoms. Essential workers will be given priority. Appointments can be made through  

Covid-19 Track & Trace Fraud

By |2020-06-07T12:46:35+00:00June 7th, 2020|Covid-19|

NHS Test and Trace guidance - Monday, 1 June, 2020 Unfortunately, criminals will exploit every opportunity they can to defraud innocent people of their money, or steal their personal details. It is important to remember that NHS Test and Trace will never ask you for any form of payment or any passwords or PINs. They [...]

NHS – Improve Local Health Services

By |2020-05-29T14:41:00+00:00May 29th, 2020|Covid-19, General news|

People in Whissendine are invited to sign up to a new online network to share their experiences of NHS services and help shape the future of local NHS services. The NHS Citizens’ Panel has been set up by local NHS organisations to gather public views and opinions on a wide variety of health topics, which [...]

Coronavirus bereavement support

By |2020-05-24T10:47:22+00:00May 24th, 2020|Covid-19|

This information is for the families, friends and carers who have recently lost a loved one due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). It has been produced by a numberof local organisations in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland, working together during the pandemic, including your council, the Police, coroner’s office, NHS, faith leaders, and local funeral, crematoria and burial [...]

Fraud Info

By |2020-05-22T12:18:48+00:00May 22nd, 2020|General notices, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

We have had reports of a male in a white estate car with pressure washer in boot going around to residents in Rutland using several different local Business Names suggesting he is a relation of this business. Please be mindful to check any credentials of anyone carrying out work at your property. Laurie Appleton (Police, [...]

Reminder – Rutland Water Still Closed

By |2020-05-15T14:40:20+00:00May 15th, 2020|Covid-19, General news|

Following information from Rutland Water (Anglian Water) yesterday 14th May we have been informed it and its car parks will be closed for the foreseeable future. Please consider forwarding this message to inform anybody you know who may be considering travelling to Rutland Water not to as they will be disappointed. Many thanks indeed. Paul [...]

Parish Council & RCC Update

By |2020-05-15T14:04:21+00:00May 15th, 2020|Covid-19, Parish Council, Rutland County Council|

Here is a message from Cllr Rosemary Powell Civic Amenity sites: Cottesmore remains closed but Rutland County Council are getting ready to open North Luffenham Household Waste and Recycling Centre on Tuesday 19th May for essential waste only. i.e. waste that can't be stored safely at home. Please do not make the journey to North [...]

Feast Week Update!

By |2020-05-15T12:02:41+00:00May 15th, 2020|Feast Week|

In view of the current and foreseeable situation with the Covid-19 virus outbreak, the Whissendine Feast Week committee have reluctantly decided to cancel the traditional Feast Week 2020 celebrations. Click here for Whissendine Feast Week committee's announcement HOWEVER!!!!! The committee are busy planning activities from 4th to 12th July, that will help keep the village [...]

Road Closure – Ashwell Crossing – June

By |2020-05-05T11:04:11+00:00May 5th, 2020|General notices|

Ashwell Crossing - June 2020 The road to Ashwell will be closed at the level crossing for Network Rail to undertake Jetting works. The duration of the Closure shall be as follows: The duration of the Closure shall be as follows: from 8th June 2020 to 12th June 2020 See RCC's Road Closure Notice for more details

Food Bank Donations

By |2020-05-04T12:42:29+00:00May 4th, 2020|Church, Covid-19, Mace village shop|

Collection for the Rutland Foodbank in Whissendine There is an initiative supported by RCC and VAR to assist in collecting donations for Rutland Foodbank from villages.  Their aim is to provide an opportunity for more Rutland residents to donate suitable items as there is currently an increased need, whilst keeping themselves and all involved in [...]

Virtual VE Day 75th Anniversary

By |2020-04-30T14:09:54+00:00April 30th, 2020|Covid-19, General news|

Here is a message from Sue Lammin, Clerk to Whissendine Parish Council Virtual VE Day 75th anniversary events: There will be a number of ways to participate if people wish to: Social media: there are dedicated accounts for Rutland on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Rutland County Museum and Oakham Castle both have exhibitions on their [...]

Covid-19 cases in Rutland, 27th April

By |2020-04-28T12:25:13+00:00April 28th, 2020|Covid-19|

Here is a message from Sue Lammin, Clerk to Whissendine Parish Council Interest has been expressed in the number of people testing positive for Covid19 in Rutland. As the number continues to increase in Rutland, though it is still small, I thought an update was appropriate. Nationally there have now been 669,850 tests carried out [...]

Resilient Rutland

By |2020-04-28T12:20:09+00:00April 28th, 2020|Covid-19|

Resilient Rutland is a Lottery funded project to support mental health and well-being for young people at school in Rutland. With the closure of schools and the ever-changing situation regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) it is understandable that young people may be feeling increased levels of anxiety, concern or stress. Resilient Rutland's website provides trusted information on [...]

Message from the Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland

By |2020-04-28T14:11:37+00:00April 25th, 2020|Covid-19, General news|

The following message has been issued by Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland Dr Sarah Furness   Thank you to everybody supporting our Rutland Community through this difficult time. I am so impressed (but not unduly surprised) with the altruism and community spirit that has been shown as a response to Coronavirus in Rutland. It has [...]

Parish Communication #5

By |2020-04-23T13:57:26+00:00April 23rd, 2020|Covid-19|

Here is a message from Cllr Rosemary Powell and Sue Lammin, Clerk to Whissendine Parish Council We’ve all been restricting our activities for a while and it’s easy to feel out of touch.  This message has the latest information  on what’s going on around Rutland.   Local Government  RCC used Zoom for the virtual Cabinet [...]

Parish Communication #4

By |2020-04-19T10:49:32+00:00April 19th, 2020|Covid-19|

Here is a message from Cllr Rosemary Powell and Sue Lammin, Clerk to Whissendine Parish Council See below for clarification on the reporting of COVID-19 cases in Rutland. There have been reports circulating on the number of residents in our village with COVID-19 but, whilst they may have symptoms, it cannot be confirmed whether they [...]

Parish Communication #3

By |2020-04-19T10:43:14+00:00April 19th, 2020|Covid-19|

Here is a message from Cllr Rosemary Powell and Sue Lammin, Clerk to Whissendine Parish Council If you would like to get the regular YourRutland e-newsletterdirect from the Council with all the latest updates, please sign up on the website. Rutland County Council's first virtual Cabinet meeting is due to take place on 21 [...]

Craft & Produce Show 2020

By |2020-04-15T14:42:21+00:00April 15th, 2020|Craft & Produce Show|

Whissendine Craft and Produce Show – Saturday 5th September 2020 You will be pleased to know that the 2020 show in September is still going ahead as planned! The committee will, of course, review arrangements nearer the time bearing in mind coronavirus regulations. But with all the lovely weather and the ‘imposed’ spare time we [...]

Covid-19 Support Update 6th April

By |2020-04-07T12:14:25+00:00April 7th, 2020|Covid-19|

Although you may not need it now, a friend, family member, neighbour, or even you may require assistance. The Whissendine COVID-19 Action Group, co-ordinated by the Parish Council, is here to support and keep our community safe. We must stress the importance of staying at home and only leaving when absolutely necessary. All vulnerable groups [...]

The White Lion – Updated take-away menu

By |2020-04-06T12:44:38+00:00April 6th, 2020|Covid-19, White Lion Inn|

MENU AVAILABLE FOR TAKEAWAY FOOD We would like to thank all of our wonderful staff and customers for their support to date during these unprecedented and unknown times and sincerely wish for the Good Health of everyone and better times to come. We are now offering a food/drink takeaway service on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday [...]

Parish Council Communication Network

By |2020-04-19T10:43:59+00:00April 3rd, 2020|Covid-19|

Parish Council Communication Network in Whissendine April 2020 I am working with our Parish Council to establish email contact with as many people as possible in Whissendine.  In this way we hope to have a more co-ordinated way to disseminate important information in these difficult times. If you are not yet part of the network [...]

Oakham Urgent Care Centre Closed

By |2020-04-03T10:54:32+00:00April 3rd, 2020|Covid-19, General news|

NHS in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland is making temporary changes to some local healthcare services with immediate effect. These include temporary closure of  the Urgent Care Centres at Oakham and Melton. For more information, see this Stamford Mercury article

Bin Collections

By |2020-04-02T14:53:02+00:00April 2nd, 2020|Covid-19, Rutland County Council|

The waste collection service is operating to normal arrangements, usual collection days. But it is stretched so there is no bulk collections, no Civic Amenity Site access and they can’t cope with side-waste (extra bags by the bins). So anyone gardening will need to compost/chip/store rather than wanting extra collections and anyone clearing garages/attics will [...]

Village Shop & Post Office Update

By |2020-04-02T14:50:04+00:00April 2nd, 2020|Covid-19, Mace village shop|

A message from Councillor Rosemary Powell The post office at the shop is now closed until further notice. The shop continues to be open as usual. We are very fortunate to have a marvellous village shop and Suraj is working tirelessly to keep us supplied with food and essentials in these difficult times. Many volunteers [...]

Feast Week Postponed

By |2020-03-29T12:35:19+00:00March 29th, 2020|Covid-19, Feast Week|

In view of the current and foreseeable situation with the Corvid-19 virus outbreak, the Whissendine Feast Week committee have reluctantly decided to postpone the July Feast Week celebrations. We are hoping to reschedule Feast Week in the autumn in the hope that the situation would have improved by then. So, keep an eye out for [...]

Community Medicines Collection Scheme

By |2020-04-03T14:11:27+00:00March 27th, 2020|Covid-19, General news|

Rutland Health - Primary Care Network Prescription medication can be collected for you from Empingham Medical Practice, Uppingham Surgery, Market Overton Surgery or Somerby Surgery. Whissendine Good Neighbour Scheme is co-ordinating the scheme for Whissendine If you need medicines to be collected please call Whissendine Good Neighbour Scheme on 0750 059 9635 Further information can [...]

Changes to Bus Services

By |2020-03-21T15:43:49+00:00March 21st, 2020|Covid-19|

Rutland County Council has issued 2 notices detailing changes to bus services operating from Monday 23rd March. The No. 9 service from Oakham to Stamford has been replaced by a free RCC minbus service. See here for more information. For other services, including the RF1, please click here.    

The White Lion – Take-away menu

By |2020-03-25T08:38:58+00:00March 20th, 2020|Covid-19, White Lion Inn|

Yolanda and Chris would like to thank all their wonderful staff and customers for their support during these unprecedented and unknown times and sincerely wish for the good health of everyone and better times to come. The pub is now closed until further notice but a take-away service is available. The take-away menu is available [...]

Parisih Council & Rutland County Council Update

By |2020-05-15T13:59:36+00:00March 20th, 2020|Covid-19, General news|

Message from Councillor Rosemary Powell   Civic Amenity sites: Cottesmore remains closed but Rutland County Council are getting ready to open North Luffenham Household Waste and Recycling Centre on Tuesday 19th May for essential waste only. i.e. waste that can't be stored safely at home. Please do not make the journey to North Luffenham unless [...]

Road Closure – Ashwell Crossing – April

By |2020-03-19T16:30:04+00:00March 19th, 2020|General notices|

Ashwell Crossing - April 2020 The road to Ashwell will be closed at the level crossing for Network Rail to undertake Jetting works. The duration of the Closure shall be as follows: from 22:00 on 27th April 2020 to 06:00 on 28th April 2020 from 22:00 on 28th April 2020 to 06:00 on 29th April [...]

Coronavirus and WGNS

By |2020-03-19T15:28:15+00:00March 16th, 2020|Covid-19, General news, Whissendine Good Neighbours Scheme|

Alison, Chair of the Whissendine Good Neighbour Scheme, has sent out this message to WGNS volunteers and to villagers in general. You are probably reaching peak saturation point with information regarding how to operate and behave during this outbreak but I thought it appropriate to share thoughts and ideas with you. This should be a [...]

Whissendine Ward Councillor’s report

By |2020-03-23T15:45:07+00:00March 16th, 2020|Covid-19, Rutland County Council, Ward Councillor|

Rosemary Powell, Whissendine Ward Councillor reports: Local Plan: The final public consultation scheduled to start on Tuesday 24th May has been postponed due to the coronavirus . All the details on the Local Plan can be found here. Whissendine Parking: Since September 2019 there have been complaints about road hazards from parked cars in the village, [...]

Gordon Haskell – Postponed until November

By |2020-04-06T12:48:40+00:00March 5th, 2020|Covid-19, Events, Village Hall|

Postponed until November. Further details to follow. Due to the coronavirus restrisctions, Gordon Haskell has sadly needed to cancel his gig on 15th May.  We are currently arranging another date for November. The amazing Gordon Haskell is coming to Whissendine on Friday, 15th May 2020! On Friday, 15th May the legendary Gordon Haskell will be performing [...]

North Beat Team Report – February 2020

By |2020-03-05T14:57:38+00:00March 5th, 2020|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

Dear All, The following crime has been reported in the month of February for Rutland North beat: - Burglaries                            -            2 x Clipsham, Ryhall, Greetham, Cottesmore, Exton Theft                                     -            Market Overton, Langham Theft from vehicle           -              Whissendine, Greetham, A1 Theft                                     -            Burley, 2 x Barnsdale, Whissendine Theft of vehicle                -               Teigh Criminal Damage              -             [...]

Whissendine Annual Parish Meeting

By |2020-03-01T15:31:33+00:00March 1st, 2020|General news, Parish Council|

Whissendine's Annual Parish Meeting will take place at the Primary School on Wednesday 11 March at 7.15pm. AGENDA Welcome & apologies for absence taken Minutes of 2019 Village meeting (on the village notice board or download here). Rutland Police: PC Laurie Appleton will give an update on issues Parish Council Chairman: Will Farr will give [...]

New Play Area Equipment

By |2020-02-26T16:17:04+00:00February 26th, 2020|General news|

Fun new play equipment has been installed in the small children’s play area at the banks. This was commissioned by the Parish council on behalf of the village, and was installed during half term. The swings are to be repainted and the hedging trimmed back, but sadly the weather has not been suitable recently, so [...]

North Beat Team Report – January 2020

By |2020-02-05T15:55:35+00:00February 5th, 2020|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

Dear all, The following crime has been reported to the police for the Rutland North beat in January 2020: - Burglary Other                                  -              Langham Theft of Motorbike                          -              Market Overton Theft                                                     -              Little Casterton, Hambleton, Barnsdale Theft from vehicle                            -              Hambleton, A1 Assault                                                 -              Cottesmore Criminal Damage                              -              Langham, Exton, Market Overton, Teigh, [...]

Introduction to Clay & Pottery

By |2020-02-04T16:52:25+00:00February 4th, 2020|General news|

Introduction to Clay and Making Techniques Katherine Staples Ceramics This is a 6 week course, 2 ½ hours per week on a Tuesday morning 9.30am – 12pm in Whissendine, Rutland 25th Feb, 3rd , 10th , 17th , 24th and 31st March Course will involve: Introduction to clay and hand building Introduction to press moulding [...]

North Beat Team Report – December 2019

By |2020-01-31T10:58:52+00:00January 11th, 2020|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

Dear all, The following crime has been reported to the police for Rutland North beat for December 2019: - Burglary                                                - Cottesmore Burglary Other than Dwelling          - Greetham, Ashwell Criminal Damage                                - Langham Assault                                                   - 2 x Langham, Thisleton, 2 x Cottesmore, Exton, Ryhall, Essendine, Barnsdale Vehicle Crime                                       - Exton, Barnsdale, Great Casterton, [...]

General Election – 12 December

By |2019-12-06T16:25:44+00:00December 6th, 2019|General news|

Rutland and Melton Candidates Alicia Kearns - Conservative and Unionist Party Marietta King - UK Independence Party (UKIP) Alastair McQuillan - Green Party Andy Thomas - Labour Party Anthony Watchorn - Independent Carol Weaver - Liberal Democrats Polling station: VILLAGE HALL 7am - 10pm The Rutland & Stamford Mercury have written of the sad death [...]

North Beat Team Report – October 2019

By |2019-11-07T13:51:36+00:00November 7th, 2019|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

Note: The two reported incidents in Whissendine relate to the 'rave' The following crime has been reported to the police for Rutland North beat: - Burglary Dwelling - Ryhall Theft - Hambleton, Greetham, Burley, Langham Theft from vehicle - 4 x A1, Great Casterton, Greetham, Ryhall Assault - Little Casterton, Whissendine Criminal Damage - Whitwell, [...]

Halloween – Police say be safe

By |2019-10-29T14:50:59+00:00October 29th, 2019|General news|

CELEBRATE SAFELY THIS HALLOWEEN People across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are being reminded to 'Celebrate Safely' this Halloween and only call 999 in an emergency. Last year 816 incidents were reported to officers in the 24 hour period of October 31, including calls about anti-social behaviour related to trick or treating. Some 413 of these [...]

Whissendine Brook overflows

By |2019-10-26T10:27:52+00:00October 26th, 2019|General news, Whissendine Environmental Group|

Whissendine brook overflowed at the bridge on Main Street on October 26th. Unfortunately a car misjudged the depth of the water and became stranded. Passers by and a bus driver helped the occupants out and the bus driver offered his bus as a warm, dry waiting space until more assistance arrived.

North Beat Team Report – September 2019

By |2019-10-16T20:11:13+00:00October 16th, 2019|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

The following crime has been reported to the police for Rutland North beat for September 2019: - Burglary Dwelling                                             -            Thisleton Theft                                                                     -            Langham, Ryhall Theft from vehicle                                           -              Whitwell, A1 x 3 Assault                                                                 -            Great Casterton The current issues [...]

Road Closure at Station Road

By |2019-10-16T19:58:57+00:00October 16th, 2019|General news|

All vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along the length of road known as Station Road from Main Street to Pears Lodge Farm The closure is to enable BT to undertake box installation and duct laying work. The duration of the closure shall be from 21st October 2019 to 24th October 2019 The alternative route during the closure [...]

Bonfire Night 2019

By |2019-10-16T19:26:57+00:00October 16th, 2019|Parents Association|

Whissendine School Parents Association will hold the 2019 Bonfire & Fireworks Spectacular at Whissendine Sports Club from 6pm on Friday 8th November 2019. BBQ, refreshments and licensed bar. Raising money for Whissendine Primary School. Tickets from Mace village shop (£4 adults, £3 kids) or on the door (£5 any age). Under 3's free. See the [...]

Road Closure at Ashwell Level Crossing

By |2019-09-27T09:23:33+00:00September 27th, 2019|General news|

All vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along the length of road known as Whissendine Road from Ashwell Road to Whissendine Road The closure is to enable Network Rail to undertake jetting works at the crossing. The duration of the Closure shall be from 21:00 on 12th October 2019 to 09:00 on 13th October 2019 The alternative route during the closure will [...]

North Beat Team Report – August 2019

By |2019-09-23T14:50:07+00:00September 23rd, 2019|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

Crime reported on the Rutland North beat for August 2019 are as follows: - Burglary Other than Dwelling                      -              Stretton Theft of motor vehicle                                   -              Burley Theft from motor vehicle                             -              A1, Langham Theft                                                                 -              Whitwell, Barnsdale Criminal Damage                                           -              Cottesmore, Great Casterton, 2 x Ryhall Bilking (theft of fuel from garage)           [...]

Flower Festival 2019

By |2019-09-07T12:26:34+00:00September 6th, 2019|Flower Festival|

A big thank you to everyone who supported Whissendine Church Flower Festival More than 600 people visited the church over the bank holiday weekend and we raised £2,800 for Church Funds and £1,340 for the village hall. So over £4,000 in total! From the flower festival committee Sarah Bysouth, Joan Giblin, Chris Howard, Rosemary Powell, [...]

Church Flower Festival – August Bank Holiday weekend

By |2019-09-06T09:17:08+00:00August 20th, 2019|Church, Flower Festival|

Photos of the Flower Festival can be found here On the Move: Life in Motion The flower festival is a major village event which is put on every other year and attracts many people from outside Whissendine. Beautiful themed flower arrangements are displayed at the church and delicious refreshments are served at the village hall. [...]

North Beat Team Report – July 2019

By |2019-08-11T15:49:04+00:00August 11th, 2019|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

The following crime has been reported to the police for July 2019: - BOTD                                     -              Little Casterton Theft of vehicle                    -              Langham Theft                                      -              Belmsthorpe, Langham Theft from vehicle               -              3 x A1, Langham Assault                                  -              Ryhall, Great Casterton, Barnsdale, Greetham, 2 x Whissendine, Cottesmore   We [...]

Whissendine Brook – Saturday

By |2019-08-11T08:17:31+00:00August 10th, 2019|General news|

There has been a discharge into the Whissendine brook just downstream of the Cow Lane bridge. Severn Trent were informed and report "Our team have attended to this and found no ammonia in the water so have concluded there is no pollution. Evidence of blue paint residue was found in the brook." The brook was [...]

Station Road Closure

By |2019-07-30T14:12:26+00:00July 30th, 2019|General news|

Rutland County Council have sent a road closure notice for Station Road. Vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along the length of road known as Station Road from Station Road to Ashwell Road. The closure is to allow BT to undertake works to clear blockages and build new concrete chambers. It is anticipated the works will take 29 days. . [...]

Drumming with Chief Standing Cloud

By |2019-07-18T12:22:03+00:00July 18th, 2019|Whissendine Sports Club|

A special invitation to all children from 5 years upwards - meet and join in a traditional drumming session with Native American Elder, Chief Standing Cloud Friday 16th August 2019 5pm- 6pm at the Whissendine Sports Field. There is an adults drumming session from 7.30-9.30pm Click here to download a poster with more information about [...]

Station Road Roadworks

By |2019-07-18T10:10:39+00:00July 18th, 2019|General news|

This sign appeared recently on Station Road. The website gives the following information: Roadworks, delays likely 31 Jul - 28 Aug Responsibility for these works: BT Location: 20m south of entrance to Pears Lodge farm to 100m south from opposite 19, Station RoadDescription: Build 7 concrete chamber 725mm x 255mm x 665mm deep in [...]

North Beat Team Report – June 2019

By |2019-07-03T14:49:13+00:00July 3rd, 2019|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

The following crimes have been reported to the police for Rutland North beat: - Burglary Dwelling                             -              Whissendine, Burley Burglary other than Dwelling         -              Burley Vehicle Crime                                    -              Langham, Great Casterton, Greetham Theft from vehicle                            -              Langham and Whissendine (both number plates stolen) Theft                                                     -              Greetham x 2, Whissendine, Great Casterton, Cottesmore Criminal Damage                              -              [...]

6ix Road Closure

By |2019-06-29T10:51:20+00:00June 29th, 2019|Feast Week, Whissendine 6ix|

2019 will be the 34th year that the Whissendine 6ix running road race will have taken place during the Feast week celebrations, this year on Friday 5th July. Due to the requirements of both Health and Safety and our Insurers, things are required to change this year. Previously, we have managed the flow of traffic [...]

Whissendine Open Gardens Sunday 30th June 10am–4pm

By |2019-06-17T15:05:41+00:00June 17th, 2019|Feast Week, Gardening Tips|

Whissendine Open Gardens is taking place again as part of the village annual Feast Week celebrations. Many villagers are opening their gardens to the public for the first time. Refreshments served all day in the village hall. Maps can be purchased from the Green in the heart of the village at the cost of £4 [...]

Whissendine Classic Car meet Tuesday 2nd July

By |2019-06-17T15:01:13+00:00June 17th, 2019|Feast Week, Whissendine Sports Club|

Now firmly established within the Whissendine Feast week ,this the fifth running of the Classic car and motorcycle meet, held at the Whissendine sports club. This usually brings together an eclectic mix of vehicles from low powered 50cc autocycles from the 1950’s up to 7.2 litre V8 engined  Jensen Interceptor, as well as more modern [...]

Church Flower Festival

By |2019-06-13T11:26:25+00:00June 13th, 2019|Church, Flower Festival|

Whissendine Church Flower Festival - August Bank Holiday weekend On the Move: Life in Motion The flower festival is a major village event which is put on every other year and attracts many people from outside Whissendine. Beautiful themed flower arrangements are displayed at the church and delicious refreshments are served at the village hall. [...]

North Beat Team Report – May 2019

By |2019-06-11T10:16:01+00:00June 11th, 2019|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

The following crime has be reported to the police for Rutland North beat for May 2019: - Burglary Dwelling      -              Essendine Theft                             -              Ashwell Theft of Vehicle          -              Cottesmore Theft from Vehicle     -              A1 x 2, Whissedine, Market Overton, Great Casterton Bilking                          -              Tickencote Criminal Damage       -              Langham Drugs                            -              Hambleton, Langham The Theft from [...]

Parking in Main Street

By |2019-06-11T12:11:07+00:00June 10th, 2019|General news, General notices|

RCC have given notice to the Parish Council that they will be initiating a temporary No Parking zone along Main Street. This is to enable inspection of the blocked road Gulleys between Bishops Corner and the Village Green. Residents concerned will be receiving notification. Date: Wednesday 19th June between 10am and 12pm. The PC have [...]

Feast Week Fashion Show

By |2019-06-09T16:33:42+00:00June 9th, 2019|Feast Week|

The Whissendine Church Flower Festival Fashion Show will take place on Thursday 2nd July at the Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm Tickets £5 per person pre-booked or £6 on the door, including a glass of wine. Tickets are available from Rosemary Powell (257) Sara Bysouth (226) or from the Mace Shop. Contact or check [...]

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