Monthly Archives: February 2024

Village Flooding

From The White Lion As you know Whissendine floods with every rainfall it seems, causing distress, inconvenience and destruction.  Chris and I along with other residents are going to do our best to get action from RCC and any other persons who have a moral responsibility in dealing with and preventing the flooding. I have [...]

By |2024-02-28T11:25:12+00:00February 28th, 2024|General notices, White Lion Inn|

Neighbourhood Development Plan – REFERENDUM 29th Feb 2024

Following consultation and comments made with residents the Whissendine Neighbourhood Plan(WNP) was finally submitted to Rutland County Council (RCC). Further communication took place and the Steering group submitted several documents including: a Basic Condition statement, A Consultation statements, supporting documents and included all submissions from statutory agencies and residents. The Steering group with permission from [...]

By |2024-02-28T11:26:34+00:00February 11th, 2024|General notices, Neighbourhood Plan, Parish Council|
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