Monthly Archives: September 2019

Road Closure at Ashwell Level Crossing

All vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along the length of road known as Whissendine Road from Ashwell Road to Whissendine Road The closure is to enable Network Rail to undertake jetting works at the crossing. The duration of the Closure shall be from 21:00 on 12th October 2019 to 09:00 on 13th October 2019 The alternative route during the closure will [...]

By |2019-09-27T09:23:33+00:00September 27th, 2019|General news|

North Beat Team Report – August 2019

Crime reported on the Rutland North beat for August 2019 are as follows: - Burglary Other than Dwelling                      -              Stretton Theft of motor vehicle                                   -              Burley Theft from motor vehicle                             -              A1, Langham Theft                                                                 -              Whitwell, Barnsdale Criminal Damage                                           -              Cottesmore, Great Casterton, 2 x Ryhall Bilking (theft of fuel from garage)           [...]

By |2019-09-23T14:50:07+00:00September 23rd, 2019|Neighbourhood Watch, North Beat Team Report (Police)|

Flower Festival 2019

A big thank you to everyone who supported Whissendine Church Flower Festival More than 600 people visited the church over the bank holiday weekend and we raised £2,800 for Church Funds and £1,340 for the village hall. So over £4,000 in total! From the flower festival committee Sarah Bysouth, Joan Giblin, Chris Howard, Rosemary Powell, [...]

By |2019-09-07T12:26:34+00:00September 6th, 2019|Flower Festival|
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