Monthly Archives: February 2015

Help plant new hedging and put up bird boxes

Whissendine Environmental Group's next working party will be at 10am on Saturday 21st March meeting at the footpath between Ashwell Road and Foxhill. We will be planting new hedging to fill the gaps and putting up bird boxes. You will need to be in suitable clothing that you don't mind getting messy (water proof if [...]

By |2017-12-30T19:31:17+00:00February 27th, 2015|Whissendine Environmental Group|

Should the village shop stay open till 7pm on Sundays? Vote here …

Ram Odera, our favourite (read: only) village shopkeeper, is considering extending Sunday opening hours at Mace village shop from the existing 8am — 2pm to 8am — 7pm for the benefit of residents. Ram is interested in your views. Do have your say by joining the poll below and do speak to Ram when you're [...]

By |2015-04-03T08:55:27+00:00February 26th, 2015|General news, Mace village shop|

Book your seat now for the Whissendine – Jurassic Coast trip!

JURASSIC COAST, DORSET Tuesday/Wednesday 12th/13th May Tuesday: Kenilworth Castle (English Heritage : £7.20) Lacock Abbey and village (National Trust) Accommodation: Premier Inn, Dorchester £55 per person sharing twin room £87 single (includes dinner and breakfast) Wednesday: choice of Lulworth Cove, Bovington Tank Museum (£11) or The Vyne palace, Basingstoke (National Trust) Coach fare to be [...]

By |2017-12-30T19:31:17+00:00February 25th, 2015|Events|

Gardening tips (Mar 2015)

GARDENING JOBS FOR THE MONTH TOP TIP Fertilizers and feeds do not stay active for very long so if you have a collection of half empty fertilizers or feeds use them up under hedges and around established trees. You will be amazed at the response and your shed is tidy. Firm up any plants that [...]

By |2017-12-30T19:31:18+00:00February 25th, 2015|Gardening Tips|

Cinders, The true story

Well, now you know – Cinderella didn’t go to the Ball in a golden coach transformed from a pumpkin by the Fairy Godmother but on a golden skateboard transformed from a sausage by the Hairy Godmother! Thanks to everyone who came along to see the true story of Cinderella as told by David Tristram in [...]

By |2015-02-25T22:46:53+00:00February 25th, 2015|Events|

Applications for educational bursaries from Sir John Sedley Educational Foundation

Sir John Sedley Educational Foundation Helping Young People since 1637 Our prime objective is to assist young people (up to the age of 25) with financial support, to further their education. We help both individuals and groups by providing a bursary to cover a wide range of costs. The Foundation will consider applications from beneficiaries [...]

By |2015-02-25T22:44:21+00:00February 25th, 2015|General news|

Happy Circle Club AGM

The AGM of the Club was held on Wednesday the 4th of February 2015 after a delicious lunch. Before the meeting began, Ann Edmunds asked members to observe a minute’s silence in remembrance of two of our members, Audrey Riley and Betty Davis, who passed away recently. The meeting then continued with the election of [...]

By |2015-02-25T22:00:19+00:00February 25th, 2015|Happy Circle|

Rev. Janet’s Monthly Missive (March 2015)

You’re reading this well into Lent – doing anything special? Some might have given up chocolate, or biscuits, or some other kind of “Lenten discipline” – well done you! Lent is also a time of reflection: it’s good to reflect on ourselves as people. When we set aside time to actually consider our lives – [...]

By |2017-12-30T19:31:18+00:00February 25th, 2015|Church, Rev. Janet Tebby|

Fancy standing in the County Council or Parish Council elections on 7th May 2015?

2015 ELECTIONS: PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES Are you thinking of standing in the County Council or Parish Council elections on 7th May 2015? Rutland County Council is offering prospective Parish and County Councillor candidates the chance to learn more about the process of standing for election at a special open event on Tuesday 24 February. May’s elections could see all [...]

By |2017-12-30T19:31:19+00:00February 20th, 2015|Parish Council, Rutland County Council|

RCC Proposed Community Infrastructure Levy – Draft Charging Schedule

Rutland County Council Proposed Community Infrastructure Levy – Draft Charging Schedule The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) The Proposed Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – Draft Charging Schedule (DCS) sets out the proposed rates of CIL to be applied to development across Rutland. Consultation is taking place prior to the document being submitted to [...]

By |2017-12-30T19:31:19+00:00February 20th, 2015|Rutland County Council|

Knit and natter (March 2015)

Knitted Teddy This month I have chosen a pattern for a knitted Teddy Bear in three sizes. My mum knitted a lot of these when the children were small, not only for my two but also for her other grandchildren. She knitted all three sizes and put them in matching scarves to make families. Try doing [...]

By |2017-12-30T19:31:19+00:00February 15th, 2015|Knitting Patterns|

Rutland CiCLE Classic cycling event

The Rutland CiCLE Classic cycling event will be taking place on Saturday 25th April from Rutland Water at Normanton between 1100 and 1300. There will be approximately 600 riders taking part. The event will pass through Whissendine on the route shown below. For further details and a notice to householders on the cycle event route [...]

By |2017-12-30T19:31:20+00:00February 14th, 2015|General news|

Make your own preserves from Rutland Preserves (March 2015)

This month’s recipe makes good use of oranges, lemons and limes and produces a tasty tart marmalade. If you cannot find any Seville oranges left in the shops or on the market, ordinary oranges will work just as well, but will taste less bitter. Mixed Fruit Marmalade You will need the following: 2 seville oranges [...]

By |2017-12-30T19:31:20+00:00February 12th, 2015|General news|

Become a racehorse owner … for a night

Bid to become an owner and enjoy a flutter on each race. Licensed Bar. 6 exciting races - hotpot supper included! First race 7.30pm, Sat 28th Feb at Whissendine Village Hall. Tickets £7.50 in advance only, from Mike Dickinson (474611), Graham Bysouth (474226) or the Village shop.

By |2017-12-30T19:31:21+00:00February 7th, 2015|Events, General news|
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