What is a neighbourhood plan?

  • A Neighbourhood Plan is a document that sets out planning policies for the neighbourhood area.
  • These planning policies are used to decide whether to approve planning applications.
  • It is written by the local community, the people who live in and know the area, rather than Rutland County Council.
  • It has the same legal status as the Local Plan, and fits within it.
  • It cannot stop development, but it can control it with the right type of development in the right places.
  • It is an important and powerful tool that gives communities statutory powers based on the Localism Act 2011.

What area does the plan cover?

The designated area for the plan is here​ https://www.rutland.gov.uk/my-services/planning-and-building-control/planning/neighbourhood-planning/ It includes the village of Whissendine and the surrounding area up to the county border with Leicestershire in the north and west and the neighbouring Rutland parishes of Teigh, Ashwell and Langham in the east and south.

Who is involved?

  • YOU and everyone else in the village – as the community
  • The Steering Group – as the coordinators
  • Whissendine Parish Council – as the responsible body
  • Rutland County Council – as the local planning authority

Neighbourhood Plan information

Information on the Neighbourhood Plan can be found from this presentation from December 2020.

Parish Plan

The Whissendine Parish Plan was published in 2009, after numerous meetings, focus groups and feedback from residents. It reflected the local vision of how Whissendine residents wanted to see the village change in the coming years and is a useful reference point for the developing neighbourhood plan

Click here to download the 32-page Parish Plan.
Click here to download the 2009 Parish Plan Action Table.