Whissendine started the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan in December 2020.  The web pages here will contain updates and news of the progress to date, details of consultations, agendas of forthcoming meetings and minutes. Meetings are open to residents to attend as observers.

This is a volunteer-led project. We would be delighted to see more volunteers in any capacity. If you would like to get involved, please contact Sue Lammin, Whissendine Parish Clerk on whisspcclerk@gmail.com.

About Neighbourhood Planning

Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided, and grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to plan for the types of development to meet their community’s needs and where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area. Planning and development in Rutland – as in the rest of the UK – is governed by a Local Plan devised by the Local Authority. Working within the parameters of the Local Plan, a Neighbourhood Plan puts in place planning policy for a neighbourhood area to guide future development.

The process involves consultation with the residents of Whissendine parish, including other stakeholders, such as businesses, who have direct interest in the area. Following an independent examination, the final Plan will be put to a community referendum. If adopted, the Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of the statutory development plan for the area, and will be used in determining planning applications.

For more information about Neighbourhood Planning see https://www.gov.uk/guidance/neighbourhood-planning–2

With thanks to Whissendine Parish Council and Rutland County Council for their support.